I encourage you to make a commitment to yourself to go through the healing process. Maybe you have done so in the past, but feel that there is still some resolution-peace needed. Maybe you've never told another person what happened to you. It is time. You can do it!
I have a friend that made a commitment to herself to spend one year on her healing process, and she did! She went on to form a support group for survivors. Regarding my healing process, I gave myself no limit of time. I took on my healing process as a boxer takes on a fight in the boxing ring. I was committed to get rid of all the "demons" of my past that were haunting my present. The majority of my healing happened to take one year as well. But I went faithfully to a counselor every week for two and a half years before we both felt that I wasn't in need of it anymore. Today, I've written three books and facilitate a workshop that I created that leads survivors through the healing process. I want to inspire you with an analogy. A man (or woman) signs up to go to war. He knows that he might encounter pain, sorrow or hardships. But he does it because he believes that it will be worth it for the cause; he does it with FREEDOM-LIBERTY in mind. I am encouraging you today to be as the soldier. Keep your goal in mind of becoming free from all those dark and heavy emotions that keep you down; that keep you from happiness; that keep you from having healthy relationships; that keep you from being loved and loving in the full context of the word. My goal that I focused on was to have a healthy and happy marriage. I so much wanted to love and be loved in that context, but felt I was unable. I experienced countless dead-end relationships. I needed my heart to be healed. It's time for you to heal. It's time to be set free from the chains of the past. You deserve it. You are worth it. Comments are closed.
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Abolishing Sex Slavery
Fear Out. Faith In.
Holy Spirit
If I Only Had A Heart
Is Your Heart Soft Or Hard?
Love Or Lies?
Lust Vs. Love
Prodigal Daughter
Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking In My Backyard
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Sin In The Church
The Church Has Left The Building
The Gardener-Poem
What Does Love Look Like